Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Biotech Pharma Limited 

      Balasubramaniam, K. V.; Sridharan, R. (2010-08-04)
      The case illustrates a situation where the company had to decide on whether to discontinue production of its main product. The decision is influenced by government policy changes, international competition, and efficiency ...
    • Multi-Project Planning for SKBI 

      Sridharan, R. (2010-07-29)
      This case deals with scheduling multiple projects under resource constraints. It also deals with a trade off analysis of reducing the project duration vis-à-vis the benefit of doing so.
    • Pallavan Transport Corporation (B) 

      Sridharan, R. (2010-07-29)
      The case discusses the location of different kinds of facilities needed for the operation of an urban road transport corporation. A more specific focus is provided through the location-allocation problem, wherein routes ...
    • Pallavan Transport Corporation and Board Level Decision Making 

      Raghuram, G.; Sridharan, R.; Mahadevan, Vijayalakshmi (2010-07-30)
      This case examines the composition of the board of the Pallavan Transport Corporation. The members are drawn from various departments of the Tamil Nadu Government. This in turn affects the decision-making. It also brings ...
    • Pallavan Transport Corporation and the Environment 

      Raghuram, G.; Sridharan, R.; Mahadevan, Vijayalakshmi (2010-07-30)
      This case examines the interaction between the Pallavan Transport Corporation and some of the agents in the environment like the consumer, the Madras Municipal Corporation, the Madras Metropolitan Development Authority, ...
    • Pallavan Transport Corporation: A Case Study 

      Joseph, Jerome; Raghuram, G.; Sridharan, R. (2010-07-28)
      This is a comprehensive case that looks at an urban road transport undertaking. It traces the growth of the organization by examining the major decisions of the past chief executives. The current status of the organization ...
    • Road Transport Undertakings in Tamil Nadu 

      Joseph, Jerome; Raghuram, G.; Sridharan, R. (2010-07-28)
      This case describes the organizational form and structure of passenger road transport undertakings in Tamil Nadu. Since nationalization in 1971, major decisions regarding the organizational form were taken. Road transport ...