Now showing items 1-10 of 83
Notes on GPSS - II
This note describes how to simulate various queuing systems using the package GPSS-11, which was developed at IIMA. GPSS-11 is meant to be a teaching tool and consists of a subset of the features of GPSS-360, an IBM package. ...
Project Appraisal Systems at GSFC
Prototyping and Demodesigner
The objective of this note is two-fold: first to discuss the need for prototyping in system design, and second to discuss the usefulness of the Demodesigner package in developing prototypes of user interfaces. Part I of ...
Expert Systems in Management
This note introduces the features of expert systems and briefly discusses their applicability in the field of management. Expert systems aim to computerize the knowledge of one or more experts in a problem domain. Unlike ...
A Note on Spread Sheet and its General Uses
This note is meant as an introduction to spread sheet and it contains material enough for about three class session on spread sheet. It deals with the features of Lotus 1-2-3, released 2. The features covered are: size of ...
MRP at Blue Moon Electronics