Now showing items 1-10 of 73
A Note on Probability
Introduces the concept of probability. Various approaches that lead to the definition of probability, with their advantages as well as disadvantages, are discussed.
Wiley Eastern Limited
The case describes a situation where a decision regarding the publications of a manuscript needs to be made. The problem is complicated in view of the uncertainty associated with the demand. The case can be used to illustrate ...
Linear Programming: A Tool for Managerial Decisions
Defines the concept of the managerial decision- making process (MDP) and introduces linear programming as one of the powerful tools of Operations Research (OR) in managerial decision- making.
Hindustan Motors Limited
Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Indian Railways
Presents a problem the Indian Railways faces in deciding to introduce superfast trains. It illustrates the need for a simulation analysis in a complex situation.
Kalyan Engineering Corporation Limited
In this case, the guarantee period of an engineering product is to be determined considering several related factors.
MRP at Blue Moon Electronics