Now showing items 1-10 of 70
Machine Learning for Management Applications
Learning is a very general term encompassing a wide variety of activities and is, hence difficult to define. It has commonly been regarded as the process of assimilating knowledge leading to increased understanding, ...
Computer Applications at Chitra
This case discusses the computerization process at Mudra Communications Limited. Specifically it highlights the experience an organization in implementing financial system in a Data Base Management System enviornment. It ...
Secunderabad Passenger Reservation System
This Case focuses on the choice for system upgradation at the Secunderabad Passenger Reservation System. This is set in the context of increasing demand in the Secunderabad PRS, due to growth in Secunderabad based reservations ...
Developing Expert Systems Using Goldworks II
This note explains the use of Goldworks II, an expert system development tool. This is a hybrid tool that allows a developer to work at two levels, viz., at a user"s level and at a programmer"s level. The emphasis of this ...
Sequential Files in Qbasic
This is the seventh note in a series of seven notes on QBasic. The topics discussed in this note are: (i) need for external data files, (ii) different types of file organization, (iii) structure of sequential files, (iv) ...
Your First QBasics Programme
This is a first note in a series of seven notes on QBasic (CISG0009TEC - CISG0014TEC). This note introduces readers to certain preliminary aspects of dealing with QBasic environment, the topics discussed are how to enter, ...
Arrays in Qbasic
This is the fifth note in a series of seven notes on QBasic. This note focuses on array data structure in QBasic. The specific topics discussed are: (i) need for arrays, (ii) limits on dimensions, (iii) dynamic arrays, and ...
QBasic Statements: Syntax Definition
This is the second note in a series of seven notes on QBasic. This note describes the meta language used in specifying the syntax of the various QBasic statements.
Procedure in QBasic: SUBs and FUNCTIONs
This is the fourth note in a series of seven notes on QBasic. This note focusses on the features of SUBs and FUNCTIONs in QBasic. Recursion, call by value and call by reference, and local variables are also discussed. The ...