Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Employee Selection
Deals with the advantages of systematic selection, the process of screening, recruitment and selection. It also discusses various methods of selection and how selection decisions are taken. Finally, it raises some issues ...
Personnel Policy in Bharat Darshan Enterprises
The case refers to the personnel policies of a large organization engaged in the tourism and hotel industry. Some of the major problems arising from the nature of the business are highlighted. The economic and social ...
Elements of Performance Appraisal
This note discusses objectives, methods, issues and concerns in performance appraisal. It also highlights various parameters of an effective appraisal system. What is significant about this note is that it has focused on ...
Sabar Mills
Refers to the system of grievance- handling in the Ahmedabad textile industry. A specific problem raised by a worker has been dealt within the case. Intervention by the union is also described.
Salary Administration
This note deals with two important components of salary administration- purpose and administration. Both components have been discussed in great detail.
The Personnel Function - A Managerial Perspective (Parts I & II)
The analysis is based on a questionnaire response from a cross- section of practising managers. Part I identifies the major problem areas in the P&IR field, while Part II provides some of the solutions as identified by the ...
The Personnel and Industrial Relations Function: Status and Scope of Activities
This technical note seeks to explore the structure, functions and content of the personnel department in Indian industries. Two sources of data are analyzed: 1) Data provided under Section 217(2A) in the annual financial ...
This note highlights the objectives of transfer. It also discusses various kinds of transfers and describes in detail some of the significant considerations in developing transfer policy.
People's Bank Reorganization
Based on a long-felt need the People's Bank was reorganized. One of the major changes was the creation of a full-fledged department of personnel/industrial relations. Although there were technically qualified persons already ...
People's Bank Reorganization
Based on a long-felt need the People's Bank was reorganized. One of the major changes was the creation of a full-fledged department of personnel/industrial relations. Although there were technically qualified persons already ...