Soil temperature regime at Ahmedabad
A 3-m deep temperature probe was installed at the campus of Indian Institute
of Management, Ahmedabad in August, 1999. Probe has five resistance type
device PT 100 sensors, mounted at 1-m interval. It was put in to the ground
up to depth of 3-m. First sensor is at 3-m depth, second at 2-m depth, third
at 1-m depth, fourth just 2 cm below the surface and the fifth 1-m above
ground. Temperatures from all the sensors were noted one day on each
month for a year. Readings were noted at hourly interval. In this paper, the
results are presented. Motivation for this work was the need to know the
diurnal and seasonal variation of temperature in deeper layers of soil in order
to determine the level suitable for installation of earth tube heat exchangers.
- Journal Articles [3724]