Browsing 3rd Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAM), 2013 by Title
Now showing items 89-108 of 124
Navigating Cultural Diversity through Cultural Intelligence: A Case of Hospitality Industry in India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The global cultural experience has become terribly complex due to the growing need for organizations to handle the pervasiveness of cultural diversity in multinational organizations. Consequently, it becomes important to ... -
The Need of Proactive Leadership and HR Environment in Public Sector Banks (India)
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Recent time has witnessed the world economy develop serious difficulties in terms of lapse of banking & financial institutions and plunging demand. Prospects became very uncertain causing recession in major economies. ... -
Network Measures for Organizational Learning Subprocesses: Case of a Consultancy Firm
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)A new scholarship has emerged that proposes the use of social network analysis as a tool for measuring organizational learning. O’Reilly’s (1991) remark that organizations are fundamentally relational entities clearly ... -
Networks Analysis for Mapping Knowledge Flows: A Case Study from India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Knowledge Management literature lays emphasis on the fact that a major chunk of knowledge dissemination occurs through the various forms of social networks that exist within the organizations.. A social network is a ... -
Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Job Satisfaction Among Call Centre Representatives In Relation To Stressful Environment
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)In today’s competitive environment, managing the ever escalating customer expectations and need is a key to survival and growth for any company. Considering the consumer-centric nature of the service industry, particularly ... -
Organizational Structure Factors And Job Involvement Among Employees: Mediating Role Of Psychological Contract Fulfillment
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Present study was conducted on medical staff working in not-for-profit, teaching & non-teaching, public hospitals (N=300) in northern India. Results revealed that structural factors (Co-ordination & work autonomy) significantly ... -
Perceived Differences In Culture, Environmental Hostility And Firm Performance: A Study Of Indian Organizations Using Competing Value Framework
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper explores a relationship between corporate culture and the performance of the firm within the context of varying environmental hostility. We collected data from 70 firms and tried to identify the impact of ... -
Performance of local governance: Social capital or Institutional structures?
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper critically evaluates the debate on what makes local governments more effective, higher social capital or stronger institutional structures. This study aims at understanding the relationships and processes through ... -
Power And Status Struggles: A Hierarchical Perspective Of Conflict In Groups
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Power and status, two distinct yet related bases of social hierarchy, are intensely sought resources in groups. In this article, we propose a theoretical framework that examines how power and status motives of individuals ... -
Presence of Children in Advertisements and its impact on Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Advancement of technology has enabled households to access different media of communications like television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards and several online media. It is nearly impossible to escape the ... -
Profile Creation and Usage in Social Networking Sites
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Research on the creation of profiles in social networking has been an area of interest in the past few years, and they are used as a major source of information by recruiters and other interested stakeholders. For the ... -
Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Its Impact on Employees’ Job Attitudes: Does Generations Make Any Difference?
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)In recent years, there has been, particularly among human resource management practitioners, a view that inter-generational differences exist among employees which provide challenges to employers in effectively managing ... -
Questioning the Corporate responsibility Department Alignment with the Business model of top Indian Companies
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)The Response Report (2007) insisted on the necessity to focus on internal stakeholder instead of external stakeholders. In that sense, this contribution provides some insights concerning the importance of the alignment of ... -
Rational And Emotional Appeals In Polio Eradication Campaign In India: A Comparative Study Before And After 2002-03
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Polio eradication Campaign was one of the most successful Health Communication Campaign in India. The WHO announced India as Polio free Nation in 2012. Before 2002-03, Polio cases were reported on large scale in India, but ... -
A Replication Approach Towards Assessment of Performance of Group Affiliated Firms during Institutional Transition in India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)We try to replicate findings of a previously published paper that differentiates firm performance of group affiliated firms from unaffiliated ones during institutional transition in India using different sampling approaches. ... -
Responses to Climate Change: An Integrative Model of Organisational Processes using a Complex Evolving Systems (CESs) perspective
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper explores how business organisations can develop effective responses to the far-from equilibrium conditions in their environment, intensified due to climate change. The disruptions caused by climate change and ... -
A Review of Research on Technology-Mediated Learning: A Multiple Perspectives Approach
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The use of technology in learning and education has witnessed exponential growth in recent years. This calls for newer conceptualizations and organizing frameworks for the research in this domain. This paper addresses this ... -
Revisiting Organizational Climate: Conceptualization, Interpretation and Application
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)In this paper efforts were put to revisit one of the extensively studied organizational construct – organizational climate. Relevant studies have been reviewed to make generalizations from organizational climate literature. ... -
Revisiting ‘Consumer Needs’ in Marketing: A critical theory Perspective
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)The discipline of marketing needs to critically engage itself in a self-reflexive interrogation with the objective of challenging the underlying assumptions (ontological and epistemological) and probing into the ideologies ... -
The Role Of Ambidexterity As A Mediator In The Environmental Dynamism - Organizational Context as Strategic Renewal Relationship Among Established Firms In India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The research study attempts to explore the significance of the mediating role of contextual ambidexterity that leads to strategic renewal in organizations. Accordingly the antecedents to renewal like the context pertaining ...