Browsing 3rd Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAM), 2013 by Title
Now showing items 101-120 of 124
Questioning the Corporate responsibility Department Alignment with the Business model of top Indian Companies
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)The Response Report (2007) insisted on the necessity to focus on internal stakeholder instead of external stakeholders. In that sense, this contribution provides some insights concerning the importance of the alignment of ... -
Rational And Emotional Appeals In Polio Eradication Campaign In India: A Comparative Study Before And After 2002-03
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Polio eradication Campaign was one of the most successful Health Communication Campaign in India. The WHO announced India as Polio free Nation in 2012. Before 2002-03, Polio cases were reported on large scale in India, but ... -
A Replication Approach Towards Assessment of Performance of Group Affiliated Firms during Institutional Transition in India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)We try to replicate findings of a previously published paper that differentiates firm performance of group affiliated firms from unaffiliated ones during institutional transition in India using different sampling approaches. ... -
Responses to Climate Change: An Integrative Model of Organisational Processes using a Complex Evolving Systems (CESs) perspective
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper explores how business organisations can develop effective responses to the far-from equilibrium conditions in their environment, intensified due to climate change. The disruptions caused by climate change and ... -
A Review of Research on Technology-Mediated Learning: A Multiple Perspectives Approach
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The use of technology in learning and education has witnessed exponential growth in recent years. This calls for newer conceptualizations and organizing frameworks for the research in this domain. This paper addresses this ... -
Revisiting Organizational Climate: Conceptualization, Interpretation and Application
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)In this paper efforts were put to revisit one of the extensively studied organizational construct – organizational climate. Relevant studies have been reviewed to make generalizations from organizational climate literature. ... -
Revisiting ‘Consumer Needs’ in Marketing: A critical theory Perspective
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)The discipline of marketing needs to critically engage itself in a self-reflexive interrogation with the objective of challenging the underlying assumptions (ontological and epistemological) and probing into the ideologies ... -
The Role Of Ambidexterity As A Mediator In The Environmental Dynamism - Organizational Context as Strategic Renewal Relationship Among Established Firms In India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The research study attempts to explore the significance of the mediating role of contextual ambidexterity that leads to strategic renewal in organizations. Accordingly the antecedents to renewal like the context pertaining ... -
Role of Communication in the Large-scale Construction Projects in India
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013-12-12)The large scale construction projects require efficient interaction and coordination of multiple stakeholders during the entire life cycle of the project and hence the role of effective communication management is crucial ... -
Role of Leadership in Business Model Innovation: A Case of an Entrepreneurial Firm
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper explores the relationship between leadership and business model innovation in an entrepreneurial firm. The literature shows that, the role of leader in Business Model Innovation is important and unexplored ... -
Role of psychological capital in the relationship between work-to-family enrichment, family-to-work enrichment and innovative work behavior
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)The current research examines the relationship between bi-directional work–family enrichment (work-to-family enrichment and family-to-work enrichment), psychological capital and innovative work behavior. 398 responses were ... -
The Role of Talent Management in Enhancing B2B Relationships in Offshoring Organisations: Evidence From Indian IT Services Sector
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)This paper argue that for firms which are already global in nature, talent management (TM) serves as the mechanism for leveraging the organisations global mindset (GM) in improving its relationship quality (RQ) with client ... -
The role of traits, values and self-efficacy beliefs in volunteering
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Recent literature on prosocial behavior has emphasized on the joint role of traits, values and self-efficacy beliefs in prosocial behavior. Even though some attention has been paid to studying the role of traits and values ... -
The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Contextual Performance
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Transformational and transactional leadership have been investigated in scores of studies. The value of task performance has long been emphasized but in recent times increasing attention is invested on discretionary and ... -
Three Debates in Organizational Learning
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)Organizational learning is seen as a distinguishing characteristic that can establish competitive advantage for a firm. Though theoretical contributions have enriched organizational learning literature for over five decades, ... -
Three Factor Model of Employee Passion: An Empirical Study in Indian Context
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)The purpose of the study was oriented towards operationalization and generalization of the construct of employee passion in Indian context. Based on the past literature proposed by Zigarmi et al., 2011 and expert opinion, ... -
To Work Or Not To Work: Construction Of Meaning Of Work And Making Work Choices
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)Meaning of work as explored in this study refers to the function that organizational paid employment serves for people. Is work a means of fulfilling social and economic expectations? Or is it an opportunity for people to ... -
Towards Developing Career Technology Fit Frame Work And Analyzing Its Influence On Work Related Outcomes Among IT Professionals
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2013)With growing attrition rate and significant demand for skilled IT professionals, the importance of studying their behaviour has become important for both academia and industry. Despite ample amount of research, there is ... -
Transaction Cost Economics Of Cloud Computing Adoption
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013-12-12)Cloud computing is posited as a next major innovation in IT industry. But Cloud computing is in its infancy in terms of market adoption. Its adoption is impeded by issues of privacy, security, confidentiality, availability ... -
Transactions Cost, Reconfigurational Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantages: Evidences from the Bottom of the Pyramid
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2013)In this paper, we argued that, contrary to received wisdom, firms operating at the bottom of the economic pyramid are motivated more, by a desire to be cost competitive than, by pure philanthropy. We performed a content ...