Browsing Working Papers by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 2627
Considerations in evolving a comprehensive leasing policy for inland waterbodies for fish production
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1987-09-01)Inland fishery resources can be classified in terms of river, fresh water ponds, reserveirs and brackish- water bodies(ponds for culture, farms for capture/ filteration, lakes, swamps and estuaries). (sea figure-1) Some ... -
Input- output tables for Rajasthan: Methodology and estimates
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1988-03-01)In the present paper, an attempt is made to construct Input-Output Tables for Rajasthan compatible and consistent with the national I-O tables for the year 1984-85 which formed the basis for the national 7th Five Year Plan. ... -
Market - Wide commonalities in corporate earnings and significance tests of accounting beta
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1988-05-01)Financial theorists have emphasized for years the importance of expectational variables in the valuation of shares. The price of share is determined primarily by investors current expectations about the firm's future ... -
Central excise revenues from major commodities and the sources of their growth
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1988-09-01)Indirect taxes are the mainstay of India's tax system, currently accounting for about 86% of the total tax collections.The major indirect taxes are: central excise duty, customs duty, sales tax, state excise duty, vehicle ... -
Fair allocations and distortion of utilities: A note
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-01-01)Given two agents with von neumann- morgenstern utilities who wish to divide n commodities, consider the two- person non- cooperative game with strategies consisting of concave, increasing von neumann- Morenstern utility ... -
Coalitional fairness and distortion of utilities
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-01-01)Given a finite number of agents with utilities who wish to divide a finite number of commodities, consider the non- cooperative game with strategies consisting of concave, increasing utility functions and whose outcomes ... -
Potential impacts of agroforestry systems on rural communities and regions in india: Methodological and general issues
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-02-01)Agronomic research has shown that, under several edaphic and climatic environment, judicious simultaneous and/or sequential combinations of seasonal crops and trees could lead to greater efficiency in resources use due to ... -
Procedures for generating an informationally efficient equitable solution
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-02-01)In this paper we consider two games which generate A- envy free allocations in a pure exchange economy with a fixed supply of resources and agents preferences being representable by utility functions. The first game is ... -
Framework for integrated energy planning with application in india
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-03-01)This paper presents a hierarchical framework for integarted energy planning and applications of the framework for planning at different levels. The proposed planning framework links macro level national and/ or state ... -
Indian organizations: Value dilemmas in managerial role taking
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-03-01)Indian organizations being part of the context of indian society and culture reflect the juxtaposition of divergent, multiple and heterogenous elements of two diverse cultures. One is the traditional agrarian culture of ... -
Problems and challenges in transferring and adapting knowhow management to india
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-03-01)Man has been an explorer for centuries. His exploration has taken him within and across continents, the seas and the oceans and how he explores the skies. His urge has been to discover, adventure, conquer, learn and ... -
Preferred organizations: Perceptions of prospective managers
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-06-01)Formal management education in india has come a long way since its inception in the early sixties. Starting with the setting up of the indian institute of management in calcutta in 1961 today there are more than sixty ... -
An overview of pesticides industry and marketing environment
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-07-01)Pesticides are broadly classified into 5 major groups: 1) Insecticides, 2) Fungicides, 3) Herbicides, 4) Rodenticides, and 5) Fumigants. The constitutions of this industry includes technical grade material manufacturers, ... -
Where utility functions do not exist: A note on lexicographic orders
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)There seems to be some amount of confusion in the finance text books regarding the conditions under which an individual's preferences can be represented by a utility function. Fama and Miller, for example, assert that two ... -
Motives, abilities and attitudes of an entrepreneur - Some propositions
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)In this paper, we have conceptualized the entrepreneurial process as comprising of three stages- the decision to become an entrepreneur, which field to be an entrepreneur in, and the actual creation of an organization. ... -
Mega projects implementation: Issues for top management
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)Project implementation is a complex job. The entire field of project management can be broadly classified into three phases: I) project planning, II) project implementation, and III) project operation. certain amount of ... -
Narmada valley project: A disaster or an imparative for gujarat
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)We consider it a privelege to join issues with Baba Amte on Narmada project. He has argued (Indian Express July 9, 1989) that Narmada Project requires a complete reconsideration because its costs in terms of human suffering, ... -
The existence and continuity of utility functions: A new proof
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)It is well known that the existence of a countable order dense subset is necessary and sufficient for a preference order to be representable by a utility function, and that this condition is also sufficient for the utility ... -
Regional aspects of industrialization in india
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)Removal of regional disparity in the levels of economic development as a national goal is translated into the removal of regional disparity in the levels of industrialization for the industrial policy. With the state as a ... -
A Lagrangian heuristic for the capacitated plant location problem with side constraints
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-09-01)In this paper we present a Lagrangian relaxation approach for solving the capacitated plant location problem with side constraints. The side constraints are upper bound constraints on disjoint subsets of the (0-1) variables. ...