Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Portfolio behaviour of Indian commercial banks
In allocating their funds the commercial banks have to fulfil a number of legal restrictions. The increasing nature of the restrictions has reduced the freedom of the banks to operate on their portfolio. Despite this it ...
Security prices behaviour associated with rights issue-related events
In the Indian capital market, about half the funds raisedsince 1985 have been through rights issues. Equity, fully and partly convertible debentures, and nonconvertible debentures have been the major capital market ...
Performance of new equity share issues: an India experience
Oversubscription of public issues of new equity shares was a common phenomenon experienced in India during the Seventies. The overwhelming public response to new equity issues, which are normally considered riskier than ...
Valuation of securities and influence of value on financial decisions of a firm
In this dissertation the price behavior of common stock of Indian private sector companies has been studied in two time perspectives, the short-run and the long-run. The study of day-to-day price behaviour has been undertaken ...