Now showing items 1-10 of 79
Stock market reaction to macroeconomic events
The primary role of capital markets is allocation of capital among competing sectors of the economy. As a result of economic liberalization and reforms in the financial sector, Indian capital markets are expected to play ...
Use of information technology by retail banks in India and France
One central concern of the strategy fields is to study the development of well adopted organization. The related question of how some firms differ from others, and how these differences are related performance has also ...
Internationalization process of industrial firms: a study on the auto-component manufacturers in India and Canada
Recent studies have observed the increasing participation of firms from developing countries in international trade. They have significantly increased the size and scope of their activities across a range of industries ...
International competitiveness of Indian sugar industry
Despite being the largest producer of sugar in the world, doubts are often raised about global competitiveness of the Indian sugar industry by quarters concerned with future direction of industry’s trade in a liberalized ...
Distribution strategies and performance: a cross-national comparison of the automobile industry
This research focused on a crossed-national comparison of distribution of passenger car manufacturers and dealers, and resultant performance in channels of distribution. The comparison was conducted between a typical ...
Economic analysis of the Indian paper industry
The Indian paper industry has been significantly affected by the changes in the economic and policy environments. The industry has been completely de-licensed and prices are no more state controlled. Foreign companies are ...
A measure for service quality for hospitals: scale development and validation
Service quality is defined as the difference between perceptions and expectations on the items representing the areas of performance specific to a service. The research was undertaken in order to understand these specific ...
Strategic responses of firms to economic liberalisation
The study is an attempt to investigate the antecedents and consequences of strategic response of firms in India to economic liberalization. The specific objectives of the study were to (a) explore the extent of change ...
Decision support system for urban bus route network design
Most of the large Indian cities are experiencing a high growth rate in vehicle population, leading to problems related to road congestion and air pollution. A strong public transport system can lead to better road utilization ...
Management of in-house technology development and transfer: a process study in the Indian pharmaceutical and chemical industries
Technology development has played a central role in the growth and diversification of many industries and firms in the advanced economies. However the same cannot be said of the Indian industry. On the contrary there has ...