Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Uncertainty and risk management of climate change impacts on infrastructure assets
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)
Infrastructure assets are a constrained resource in India and face stress from population growth, increased urbanization, resource variability and use, and economic growth. Climate change is an additional stress which has ...
Managing climate change risks in cities: a study of mitigation and adaptation strategies
Climate change is an extreme case of externality. Its global nature has prompted analysis at higher geographical scales like country, region or global levels. However the origin of most emissions and impacts of climate ...
Climate change, air pollution and public health in India: impact assessment and adaptation strategies
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)
Climate change has brought into sharp focus two key environmental health concerns for Indian cities - outdoor air pollution and climate change related temperature extremes. This research explores exposure-response relationships ...
Managing the water-energy-climate change nexus: an integrated policy road map for India
This research examines the water - energy - climate change nexus to delineate policies that harmonize the nexus favourably. Typically, the energy-climate nexus has been studied as a mitigation problem, the water-energy ...
Sustainable low carbon transport: an integrated policy framework and assessment for India
Mobility is integral to socio-economic development. Transport sector‘s fuel mix imposes multiple external costs vis-à-vis energy security, air quality and climate change. The contemporary literature shows that these ...