Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Implications of electricity reforms on technology and environment
India has initiated economic reforms in the early nineties with the aim of globalization of the economy and making it competitive in the international market. Reforms in the electricity sector were initiated encouraging ...
Relationship of prior product knowledge to pre-purchase information search ;a motivation theory approach
Understanding the consumer information search process plays a pivotal role in key strategic managerial decision areas such as communications planning and new product introduction. This study examined the process by which ...
Organisational restructuring an exploratory study of Indian organizations
Globally organizations look at restructuring to increase competitiveness and enhance performance under uncertain business environment. The western economics witnessed a spurt of restructuring in the 1980s as a response to ...
Assessment of the electricity reforms: restructuring improving access and policies for the future
The frenzy generated by the throwing open of the generation sector in 1991 by the amendment of the electricity statute has largely subsided with the experiences in Orissa and the prolonging problems in Dhabol. Hence ...
Power sector reforms: emerging generation markets and externalities
The objective of the thesis is to analyze the effects of electricity sector reforms on the generation markets and corresponding externalities. The study answer the following questions: I ) What arc the new electricity ...
Perceived organisational support and organisational commitment: the mediational influence of psychological well being
Organizational commitment (OC) is perhaps one of the most researched topics in organizational behavior studied. It characterizes employee relationship with their organization and influences their decision to continue with ...
Study of consumers' psychological response to promotion based on mental accounting principles
As industry expenditure on sales promotion has grown, an increasing amount of academic research has focused on the impact of promotions on consumer behavior. The substantial body of literature on promotions is composed of ...
A study of the determinants of executive knowledge management
Knowledge as a source of competitive advantage has been discussed by many researchers in recent times. Managing knowledge hence has been considered to be a critical activity of the firm that has to survive in a highly ...
An Exploratory-formulative case study of employee retaliation in industrial relations
A single incidence of retaliation, which resulted in shooting of a worker by the CEO of an organization and the subsequent lynching and torching of both the Personnel Manager and the CEO within the workplace premises, has ...