Now showing items 1-10 of 70
Freedom Related Practices and Corporate Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2003)
This study explores the relationship between the practices embedded in the notion of
freedom within the corporate context and corporate effectiveness. It hypothesizes that those
corporate organizations that grant greater ...
Life cycle costs and energy market equilibrium: a policy assessment for India
Energy production and consumption cause unintended impacts. Their exclusion by the market leads to sub-optimal resource allocations. Conventionally, market correction is proposed through Pigouviantaxes or Coasianbar gaining ...
A study of career mobility decisions of dual career couples
Presently, women in India comprise approximately thirty one present of the total workforce including rural and urban sectors (Budhwar, Saini & Bhatnagar, 2005). This statistics indicates a major social change in the country ...
A Simulation and Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization of Closed – Loop Multi – Echelon Inventory System
The objective of this research is to develop a Genetic Algorithm (GA) - based optimization approach for a multi - echelon closed - loop inventory system of items which are repairable in nature. In the context of the passenger ...
Managing climate change risks in cities: a study of mitigation and adaptation strategies
Climate change is an extreme case of externality. Its global nature has prompted analysis at higher geographical scales like country, region or global levels. However the origin of most emissions and impacts of climate ...
Formation process of public private partnership in transport infrastructure in India
The dissertation suggests that an attempt to create strong relational arrangements along with the contractual arrangements would lead to higher rate of success in PPP. Relational arrangements have become a major determinant ...
A study of alienation among knowledge workers
Alienation as a concept has been discussed for a long time. The term came into prominence in the early writings of Marx (1844/1932), and since then the concept of alienation finds reference across a broad range of subjects ...
The Effect of Organizational Identification on Emotional Labor: A Study in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector
Organizations depend on customers for their survival and growth. With increased
importance of customers, organizational focus has expanded from the traditional economic rationale associated with the product (service) to ...
Efficient tabu search implementations for asymmetric traveling salesman problems
Combinatorial optimization problems are widely used to model various
managerial problems including scheduling, location, routing etc. Many of
these problems are known to be NP-hard. Therefore, heuristics and metaheuristics ...
Performance and impact of national multi-commodity exchanges on the marketing and price-risk management of agricultural commodities
This research undertakes a detailed examination of the performance and impact of recently started National Multi Commodity Exchanges on the marketing and price risk management of agricultural commodities in India. With the ...