Now showing items 11-20 of 71
Determinants and outcomes of intention to quit of Indian IT professionals
Globalisation and outsourcing have become buzzwords in the present economic boom. India is getting considerable attention, with specific focus on software services outsourcing. The Indian software services sector is growing ...
Three essays on operational and strategic decisions in a competitive auto component replacement market
With constantly evolving markets and changing dynamics among firms, the competition has taken new dimensions. Competition on price alone is no longer sustainable. Increasingly, firms are
competing on multiple dimensions ...
Trust and organisational commitment: a study in the Indian pharmaceutical sector
Organizational commitment (OC) is among the most widely researched topics in organizational behavior literature. Organizational commitment typifies the employees’ relationship with their organization and is believed to ...
Trust and shopper patronage intentions: impact of congruity in store-shopper relationships
This study develops a Value-Congruity model of Trust for understanding how shopper trust builds in a store and how shopper patronage intentions are impacted at different levels of store-shopper relationship quality. The ...
Managing contract farming in agro industry
Although India has made substantial progress in terms of total production in the agricultural sector, the problems of low productivity and poor quality of output remains the major causes for concern. In the era of ...
Decision models for single-period and lateral stock-transfer inventory policies in disribution systems
Firms are facing intense competition in today’s global business environment. They have to produce quality products at competitive prices with unpredictable demand. To be competitive, a firm has to quickly respond to demand ...
Determinants of incidence and modes of alliances: a study of Indian information industry
Globalization and technological changes are rapidly changing the context in which business firms function. Firms are responding in a variety of ways to these changes and one of the responses is the use of alliances, ...
Collaborations in supply chain - value of information sharing
Collaboration between members of the supply chain is advocated for improving
efficiency and reducing the cost of delivering the products. Mechanisms to coordinate
decisions and share information between members of the ...