Browsing Cases and Notes by Author "Datta, Samar K."
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Problems in Business Contracts: Technical Note
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-25) -
Agribusiness Interventions by an International Agency: A Case Study of BoBP
Datta, Samar K.; Elangovan, Ramalingam (2010-09-06) -
An Analytical Frame for Appreciating the Role of Allied Agricultural Sectors
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-05) -
Budiali Fishermen's Cooperative Society Ltd.
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-09) -
Caselets on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Business Contracts
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-24) -
Concepts and Issues on Property Rights with Special Reference to Management of Environment and Complex Contracts
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-24) -
A Critique of Free Trade Theory
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-17) -
Expansion Strategy for Honey Business
Singh, Gurdev; Datta, Samar K. (2010-09-15) -
Fisheries Sector in India
Datta, Samar K.; Sinha, K. (2010-08-09) -
Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India: A Research Proposal for All India Study
Datta, Samar K.; Sriram, M. S. (2010-08-19) -
Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India: Case Study of One Amalsad Cooperative Society
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-19) -
Forestry Sector in India
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-09) -
Fruits and Vegetables in India: An Overview of the Present Position and Issues for the Development
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-05) -
The Global Perspective on the Development of Agricultural and Allied Sectors
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-05) -
Horticulture Sector in India
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-09) -
How to Promote Horticulture: A Theorisation Based on Case Studies
Datta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev (2010-08-05) -
How Would You Assign Property Rights on this Blind Lane?
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-26) -
Impact of Land Reforms : An Analysis Based on LBSWAA Data
Datta, Samar K.; De, Ashis (2010-08-11) -
Introduction to International Trade and Static and Dynamic Crisis from Trade
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-17) -
Joint Forestry Management: Two Micro Case Studies from Bengal
Datta, Samar K. (2010-08-09)